9. Polyvagal Theory 1 – Introduction

These short videos will help you understand the Mulry Method by teaching you mind-body integration with a full-body attitude.

9. Polyvagal Theory 1 – Introduction

Have you ever wondered why you feel safe and connected in some situations but anxious or shut down in others? Polyvagal Theory provides insights into how your nervous system reacts to stress, emotions, and social interactions—ultimately shaping your behavior and well-being.

In this video, we break down the science behind:

  • Fight-or-Flight responses
  • Freeze states
  • Social Engagement

Learn how to regulate your nervous system for improved mental and emotional health. Discover the role of the Vagus Nerve, which holds the key to cultivating calm and connection. Watch now to unlock the secrets of your body’s natural pathways to resilience and well-being!

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