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Apply Social Learning Theory (SLT) to create lasting personal change. This guide walks you through developing a Focused Action Plan using the four SLT constructs: Behavior Potential (BP), Expectancy (E), Reward Value (RV), and Psychological Situation (PS). Start by completing the Personal Concerns Inventory (PCI) to gain insight into your concerns, then take action to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.
Take the PCI today to get started
All In The Zone Skills Training Lessons
- 1. In The Zone Skills Training – Introduction
- 2. Relaxed Moves and Right Vertical Posture
- 3. Soft Stomach Breathing
- 4. Position of Comfort and Relaxation Therapy
- 5. Autonomic Nervous System
- 6. Relaxed Flow vs Stress and Tension
- 7. Power Moves
- 8. Power Breathing Routine
- 9. Polyvagal Theory 1 – Introduction
- 10. Polyvagal Theory 2 – Mind-Body Integration
- 11. Polyvagal Theory 3 – The Vagus Nerve
- 12. Social Learning Theory 1 – Introduction
- 13. Social Learning Theory 2 – How To Maximize Success
- 14. Social Learning Theory 3 – How Perception Shapes Behavior
- 15. Social Learning Theory 4 – Expanding Constructs
- 16. Social Learning Theory 5 – The Language Of Science
- 17. Social Learning Theory 6 – Internal and External Locus of Control
- 18. Social Learning Theory 7 – Reward Value & Self-Navigation
- 19. Social Learning Theory 8 – Become A Self-Learner
- 20. Social Learning Theory 9 – Self-Navigation