Tension Management And Relaxation – A Natural Approach To Tension Relief
In an age where stress is a constant companion, Dr. Mulry’s pioneering insights from the 1970s remain as relevant as ever. His book, Tension Management & Relaxation, introduced transformative strategies for achieving balance and managing the pressures of daily life. Below is the preface to this significant work, which accompanied the Tension Management & Relaxation: An Approach To A Balanced Way of Living program. Remarkably, these ideas feel even more pertinent today, as stress-related challenges continue to shape modern life.
“National trends are statistical representations of the overall movement of human behavior. In this text I have made an effort to identify trends in stress factors affecting a great percentage of modern Americans. Across the nation, stress is reaching into the lives of the young and old alike. Attempts to cope with stressful conditions associated with contemporary life are varied. While some individuals actively seek solutions to life’s ongoing problems, many grasp for one or another pill or artificial means to console their ailing bodies. This nationwide process of “sedation” has become a way of life for many, a life that is all too often devoid of energy, enthusiasm, alertness and a desire for self-help.
Along with this tendency to look outside of ourselves and into chemicals for assistance are the many symptoms of stress and strain associated with unmanaged tension. Heart disease, ulcers, headaches, sleep disorders, hypertension, and other similar concerns are frequent results of personal life styles dominated by stress and tension. Millions of dollars are spent each year in the diagnosis and treatment of these common ailments.
Prevention of health problems is clearly possible when physical symptoms are known to follow from stress and tension. Preventive approaches to health problems are possible when individuals take time to educate themselves as to what they can do to ward off and to resolve circumstances leading to the occurrence of various maladies. Education, along with self discipline and appreciation for our own well being, all prepare individuals to take good care of themselves.
Tension Management and Relaxation Therapy are useful approaches to the effective handling of stress and tension. If you are willing to take some time out to care for yourself, it is likely you can make significant and constructive changes in your daily life. Individuals and families can help themselves and each other when an attitude of personal effectiveness prevails.
Tension Management is an approach to a balanced way of living. Emphasis is on the well being of individuals and families. Considerable attention is given to the process of family life and suggestions are offered as to how families can learn to live more cooperatively and comfortably. You can become an architect of your home environment and you can manage your life more effectively if you are committed to doing so.
Personal and interpersonal happiness are goals of Tension Management. Awareness of environmental stress factors and the restful effects of “natural” stimulation are considered in relation to the bodily states of tension and relaxation. Inner balance and interpersonal harmony are more possible when individuals take an active role in directing their life toward a path of self-help.
My interest in presenting this Tension Management program to the public has been stimulated by a variety of intellectual and personal experiences. My Father and Mother were effective and loving role models as nature lovers and as human beings. Julian B Rotter, Ph. D., mentor and friend, provided intellectual and personal influences to view man’s existence in relation to environmental conditions, interpersonal cooperation, personal effectiveness, and human concern. My wife, Suellen Jo, has helped me appreciate love and harmony in a new dimension. My children have been an abundant source of love, laughter, and joy. Their gentle, smiling faces become more meaningful to me each and every day. Finally, a genuine “Thank You” to those friends, sometimes referred to as patients, who helped me realize the full value of our experiences together.”
A Timeless Approach To Stress Relief
Dr. Mulry’s dedication to empowering individuals and families through education and self-discipline resonates deeply today. His focus on prevention, self-help, and personal effectiveness forms the foundation of strategies that remain practical and transformative.
For more resources and insights into managing tension and achieving balance, explore the tools available on this site, including Relaxation Therapy and other free programs inspired by Dr. Mulry’s groundbreaking work.