How to practice Relaxation Therapy
Getting Started: The Position of Comfort
The Position of comfort is a horizontal resting position of the body providing relief from the downward pull of gravity on your spine. It involves a straight back with knees bent. Support for your neck and knees makes this position more comfortable. You can also use a chair to support your legs. When doing so, keep knees close to edge of chair and be sure chair is not too high so as to interfere with blood circulation.
If this position hurts, or is uncomfortable, turn onto your side in the fetal position, keeping your back straight and knees bent. Use any time to relax and reduce pain. (Pregnant women should use the side lying position) Also, cover up with a blanket because your body temperature may lower during Relaxation Therapy.
Relaxation Therapy consists of three stages:
- First, you will do a simple Rhythmic Breathing exercise,
- then, simple Muscle Relaxation exercises,
- and lastly, a simple Meditation exercise.
Don’t try to relax. Just let yourself release into the rhythms, the background sounds and Dr. Ray’s soothing voice.
Deep Rhythmic Breathing
Deep Rhythmic Breathing is a method of deep breathing where you expand your stomach while inhaling – filling your lungs to the fullest. Inhale through your nose to the count of four and exhale through your mouth to the count of eight. Expand your stomach as you inhale, because this allows for greater air intake
Deep Muscle Relaxation
Relaxation Therapy (RT) is a simple procedure through which your body arrives at a tension free, natural state of balance called homeostasis – and this is accomplished through deep relaxation.
The audio will lead you through a guided meditation.
The many benefits of Relaxation Therapy
RT is beneficial for relieving muscle tensions and spasms, back and neck ache, headaches and more, because it relaxes your entire system, mentally, physically and emotionally.
As your body relaxes, blood flows more freely, bringing oxygen to muscle tissues. This is important because oxygen is the life force of muscle tissue. Oxygen also attacks lactic acid, one of the elements in the body contributing to pain.
RT is a natural alternative to muscle relaxants, sleeping pills, pain killing medications and more.
The more you do RT, the better you get at it and you will find yourself developing Relaxation Skills you can use- at any time during your day – to reduce stress and tension.