Don’t Try To Be Anyone But Yourself
We watch television and see the life of the privileged, the admired, those with mansions and the most attractive spouse on the planet. A common reaction, especially for those younger, is, “I wish I could be like that, do what they do, be happy and admired.” “I wish I could be like that?”
Looking Outward Overcomes Looking Inward
Looking outward with envy is predictable in a culture fascinated with what’s most popular in the daily tabloids and TV shows. If this generated a measure of joy and self-confidence, we might accept it as having some constructive role in our personal development efforts. Were it just an innocent reaction soon to be overcome with maturity and the passing of time, this too might justify the process.
Unfortunately, this is not the case. Looking beyond yourself, your interior composition, your unique passions and talents is fundamentally not only a waste of time and energy but also a misguided path leading mostly to disappointment. Genuine happiness comes fundamentally from the realization of our unique identity, being aligned with our deeper values, desires and inclinations.
Looking Inward Is Challenging But Not Bewildering
If you are already thinking you are less than or don’t have what it takes, think again. Self-discovery is not far away when you listen to your inner voices calling for their own expression. A guiding principle is to pay close attention to the things you enjoy doing. We tend to excel when we follow that gyroscope within, urging direction toward something special to each of us. For some, it is writing songs, playing an instrument, painting, inventing, being creative, wanting to help others in the capacity of medicine, one or another form of therapy, religion, working with children, or nursing. The list is long and filled with opportunities. The trick is to find your path, the one where you will find satisfaction, self-worth and a sense of purpose.
Being Yourself Is Your Best Option
When you devote your energies and focus on learning more about your unique self, you are well on your way to becoming self-directed and self-defined. Who can do this better than you? When in doubt, listen to your inner voices, those urges you have within that make you smile when you say, “I like that in me.” If you are in the business of giving “likes,” why not start with yourself? What others might think is best for you, and listening to that is not altogether the best path. Yes, they might have a good idea, and you will know if it rings inner bells. If it doesn’t, let it go and appreciate their effort as well-intended. But if not for you, at least for now, let it go.
You Are The World
J. Krishnamurti, a writer with a profound understanding of personal freedom, wrote, “In oneself lies the whole world, and if you know how to look and learn, then the door is there, and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you that key or the door to open except yourself.” Krishnamurti urges you to explore yourself as you are. To do this, he would say, authority of any kind must not bind you. Don’t try to be anyone but yourself.
Positive PERFORMANCE Psychology
PPP emphasizes, “We become what we do.” We are shaped by our actions, and we want these actions to be inspired by our own wants and needs. Trust yourself. Trust, you know best what is right for you. This is not to suggest this is easy or a simple endeavor. Look for patterns in your thoughts and emotions guiding you toward your destiny. This is anything but a frivolous journey, responding to epiphanies arising in the moment. It is you, day after day, pursuing your life through self-navigation.
Know Thyself
There is hardly a more frequent recommendation by philosophers, psychologists and spiritual leaders than to Know Thyself. It is a wonderful step toward personal freedom, self-realization and a life of peace, accomplishment and caring. It is also an essential element of In The Zone Skills Training featuring Internal Locus of Control. Let us all march forward as individuals committed to building a better world for ourselves and others. We are in this together.