About The Method

The Mulry Method website was initially created as an Emotional and Mental Health Online Course and Enterprise Agile Planning (EAP) tool for obtaining an In The Zone Life Coach Certification—Action-Focused Life Coaching.

According to Dr. Mulry, the Personal Concerns Inventory, Relaxation Therapy, and the In The Zone E-Book were the three primary components of the Mulry Method, which was originally the focus of this website. Since his passing in 2023, the site has expanded to include all of his work dating back to the early 1970s. Today, the Mulry Method website serves as a central hub for sharing Dr. Mulry’s ideas and tools, making them accessible for everyone to enjoy.

The Personal Concerns Inventory (PCI)

A simple tool for assessing, updating and tracking the things that concern you the most.

Relaxation Therapy (RT)

A guided meditation emphasizing rhythmic flow, followed by sounds of nature.

In The Zone E-Book

The E-Book below will guide you in learning the Mulry Method of Focused Action for mind-body integration.

How Can The Mulry Method Improve My Life?

FOCUSED ACTION results from INTERNAL LOCUS OF CONTROL TRAINING, which is the heart of Dr. Mulry’s personal development system.

  • Build Quiet Confidence
  • Improve Physical and Mental Health
  • Elevate Quality of Life
  • Achieve Peak Performance

What Is The Mulry Method?

The Mulry Method was originally a proprietary Learning Management System (LMS) developed by American NETWORK Services, Inc., a for-profit human development organization based in Nevada.

Dr. Mulry, who dedicated over four decades to the training industry, created and implemented Train Your Trainers programs across North America. He spent thousands of hours refining and applying his training services in real-world settings. His efforts led to significant cost savings for his clients, with many workers praising the programs as “the best training ever.”


We are special, and you are special. DON’T FORGET—we have the Personal Concerns Inventory (PCI) to help you document what concerns you most. Identifying your concerns is the first step to more positive outcomes.

Summary Statement

It should be noted that Reaume (Ray) Carroll Mulry, PhD, was a licensed clinical psychologist who used the Mulry Method in his work with patients, veterans, athletes, executives, and others from all walks of life. Dr. Mulry does not refer to The Mulry Method as therapy. He views the In The Zone Life Coaching process as Psychoeducation focused on learner-based Psychological Self-Assessments, Goal Setting, Strategic Planning leading to Focused Action, and thoroughly measured outcomes. It is a highly structured process that also encourages creativity, innovation and imagination by Life Coaches and Learners.

