Take A Power Nap!

The Surprising Benefits Of A Power Nap

Authored by the Department of Veteran Affairs

Scientists have found a short snooze during the day [a power nap…] may not only counteract fatigue from inadequate sleep at night but also deliver brain benefits such as improved memory, heightened alertness, reduced levels of stress hormones, greater energy, and sharper mental functioning.

Study Results: Nappers vs. Non-Nappers

A study compared a group of volunteers who learned a computer game followed by an afternoon nap to another group who learned the game but did not nap. In tests of the volunteers’ computer skills conducted later in the day, the nap takers had 50 percent greater mastery of the game than the non-nappers. While experts advise against naps longer than 90 minutes or naps taken within three hours of bedtime, dozing in the afternoon between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. when circadian rhythms naturally make you feel sleepy shouldn’t interfere with your night’s rest.

Brain Benefits by Nap Duration

10-20 minutes

It leaves people feeling refreshed, increases mental acuity, improves memory, and heightens energy and alertness.

30–60 minutes

Boosts memory consolidation, allowing the brain to transfer information from short-term to long-term memory storage. After some feelings of grogginess upon awakening, lengthier naps are associated with enhanced mental acuity that lasts slightly longer than the benefits of shorter naps. This is a significant advantage for those seeking to improve their memory and cognitive function.

90 minutes

It allows the sleeper to experience light, moderate, and slow-wave sleep, as well as rapid-eye-movement sleep, which is associated with dreaming. In addition to the benefits associated with a 30 to 60-minute nap, a 90-minute nap appears to increase creativity, emotional memory, and procedural memory, the often automatic ability to perform actions involved in basic skills, such as riding a bike. This comprehensive restorative effect particularly benefits those seeking to enhance their cognitive function and overall well-being.

Relaxation Therapy: Enhancing Your Napping Experience

Relaxation Therapy (RT) helps you feel Relaxed, Balanced, Flexible and Focused, making your naps even more effective.